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Youtubes do dia: Saeed, Kev, Johnny and Jimi

Four videos today. Saeed Khan is the Greens candidate for my local electorate of Grayndler, he did a video in August as part of the kick-off of his election campaign. On, then, to the Leaders: Rudd switching off a video of a Liberal ad saying "oh come on Howard", followed by Howard switching off a video of Rudd switching off a video of a Liberal ad and saying "grow up" to Rudd.

My voting intentions

As at 17 October 2007.

Grayndler - I'm a fan of Anthony Albanese as I have previously documented on this blog, indeed it was one of my entries that led to his photo appearing on the Times Online cricket blog last year. Having said that, it is likely that I will vote for Saeed Khan of the Greens and give Albanese second preference.

My aus election 2007 blog

All of my blog entries on the 2007 Federal Election can now be reached directly from Please note the Y2K compliance :-)

The URL for the RSS feed is

I'll be adding a series of position statements on my voting intentions, recommendations and policy analyses in the coming weeks - complete with variations noted if I should change my mind!

Who do you trust on national security?

According to the Newspoll published in today's The Australian, 49% of respondents said that the Coalition (Liberal/Nats, not The Willing) would best handle national security, while 26% said the Labor Party. (And 25% either uncommitted, or with another choice.)

I really can't understand for the life of me how anyone could argue that the Libs have demonstrated competence in handling national security.

Consider their record:

Youtubes do dia: Democrats, Family First, and how to keep interest rates low

Three more items today's collection of Federal Election Youtubes.

The Democrats may well be on the brink of oblivion at this election. Of their four remaining senators, two (Lyn Allison and Andrew Bartlett) are standing for re-election, while the other two (Natasha Stott-Despoja and Andrew Murray) are retiring. It would be a huge shame if Senator Bartlett is lost to federal politics. Meanwhile, the current leader of the party, Lyn Allison, is getting on with the job of issuing policies and making videos, even if no one is paying attention. Here she is campaigning for better support for carers.

Family First's Senator Steve Fielding is not up for re-election this time, but having fluked his way into the senate in 2004 on preferences, he is now trying to get more of his stablemates up. In this video, showing the temerity to seek a second senator in Victoria, he attempts to take on both the Nationals and the Greens on home turf.

And finally, John Howard shows, on Monday night's A Current Affair, how he keeps interest rates so low - he gets them wrong!

Youtubes do dia: Kevin07, John Ol'55, and... Hajnal

More proof that John Howard Simply Doesn't Get It comes with this insistence on releasing Youtube videos at 5am. Does he think the Intertubes Generation will just be rolling in from the nightclubs and logging on at that hour?

No, a more plausible reason is that 5am is a good time to issue video press releases in time for the brekky TV shows, not to mention his radio buddies such as Neil Mitchell and Belford Parrott. And Youtube, of course, is a free medium for videos less than ten minutes long.

Youtube do dia: The farce is dead, long live the farce

John Howard's blatant abuse of constitutional power came to an end this morning when he visited the Governor General and obtained a dissolution of the House of Representatives, and a federal election on November 24. This is the date that Peter Costello implied at the AFL Grand Final Breakfast last month.

The Prime Minister's election announcement has been purloined by the Liberal Party for use on their Youtube website. Unfortunately the Liberal Party apparatchik responsible for uploading the video has no concept of 16:9 ratios.

But you won't fool the children of the Cultural Revolution

John Howard and his ministers are making announcements like there's no tomorrow (which, give or take six weeks, is almost certainly correct). Two more legs of his education platform, otherwise known as the Cultural Revolution (registered trademark under licence from the estate of Mao Zedong), have been announced today.


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