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Presenting... Neofelis diardi

Scientists have discovered that the clouded leopard found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra is an entirely new species of cat (Neofelis diardi). The secretive rainforest animal was originally thought to be the same species (Neofelis nebulosa) as the one found in mainland South-east Asia.

Umm, they weren't already doing this?

It's Day Two of the World Cup, and the ICC has just agreed to allow spectators to take bottled water into the grounds so that they don't dehydrate.

Which begs a disturbing question... why has it taken them until now to consider a fundamental health issue at one of the world's major sporting events?

This just in from the World Cup organising body:


Right said Fred

If ever there was an argument for the separation of church and state, his name is Fred Nile.

Member of the NSW Legislative Council since 1981 (except for two months in 2004 when he ran for the Senate), Australia's answer to Jerry Falwell is heading the Christian Democratic Party ticket for the Upper House in the March 24 election.

Reverend Nile (a retired Uniting Church minister) always his cards fairly and squarely on the table, and this press release issued last Saturday is no exception:

Proof that Australia is a land of selflessness and generosity

"We ended up amongst the men's shorts stripping off and trying on things with abandonment, much to the amazement of a few men shoppers. At one point I realized I was standing in my bra and pants right in the middle of Target!"

- shopper, Stella McCartney fashion sale, Target Warringah Mall, 12.3.07 (source:

Youtube do dia: Port Botany

Not one but two Youtube videos this time, produced by the NSW Greens and dealing with the proposed expansion of the port facilities in Botany Bay, which if it goes ahead will be an environmental disaster for the bay, and create major road transport issues throughout most of the south and south-west of the Sydney metropolitan area.

The first video is a two-minute overview of the Port Botany situation, and the second features a public meeting/media call by the Greens candidates for Marrickville (Fiona Byrne) and Maroubra (Anne Gardiner) on the Botany Bay foreshore.


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